About this place
Alfred Bussell began building Ellensbrook in 1857 as a home for his wife, Ellen, out of crushed shell and limestone. They lived here until 1865, when they moved to Wallcliffe House at the mouth of the Margaret River. Two of the couple's children died as infants and were buried at Ellensbrook, along with a convict helper and Alfred's brother Charles.
The Wardandi people know this place as Mokidup, a traditional summer camping spot.
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Picnic table
Overnight hiking
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Ellensbrook House.
Traditional Owners
We recognise and acknowledge Wardandi people as the Traditional Owners of Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park.