About this place
The Parry Creek Nature Reserve is listed as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention and is listed on the Register of the National Estate.
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Crocs are common, crocs move around and crocs are deadly so Be Crocwise.
- Download the Crocodiles information guide.
- Pay attention to all warning signs, however just because a sign isn’t there doesn’t mean crocodiles aren’t present.
- If you are unsure don't swim, canoe or use small boats in estuaries, tidal rivers or pools and contact the nearest Parks and Wildlife office.
- If you see a crocodile showing signs of aggressive behaviour, OR is in the Kununurra Crocodile Control Zone, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service office in Kununurra on (08) 9168 4200.
Marlgu Billabong
Radha Deepchand
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Parry Creek.
Traditional Owners
We recognise and acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional owners of Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve.