About this place
There is a sealed dual-path cycleway around Wilson's lagoon and also used by walkers. Kent Street Weir has a cafe, toilets and plenty of places to enjoy a picnic. There are three walk trails that start from here. These are Butterflies, Birds and Bridges Trail, Woodloes Walk trail and Banksia Hill Loop. Other amenities include a BMX track with a circuit and pre-made jumps. For more information visit Trails WA.
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Wilson Wetlands.
Traditional Owners
We recognise and acknowledge Whadjuk people as the traditional owners of Canning River Regional Park.