Park news

Cane toads: an invasive threat

  • By Rachel Hutton
  • 9th July, 2024

Cane toads are an invasive species that were introduced to Australia in 1935 in an attempt to control the cane beetle population. The toads quickly became a problem. They out-compete native species for food and habitat and pose a threat to wildlife that prey on them, including pets, as the toxins in their skin can be deadly. 

How you can help?

Don't take a toad down the road!

Cane toads are excellent hitch hikers and have been known to travel by plane, truck, bus, boat and caravan to get to new places. They often travel along roads and hang out in campgrounds so please take great care when packing up to ensure you don’t take a toad down the road! 

  • Report any hitchhikers with a clear photo and location to 0400 693 807. 
  • If you are driving south from Derby, please check your load for a toad and help us map the invasion by visiting  FeralScan and logging your cane toad sightings. 

Keep your pets safe

When traveling north with your furry friends, it’s crucial to protect them from cane toads. Although dog deaths from cane toad poisoning are rare, it’s essential to know the risks, symptoms, and first aid measures. 

  • Signs of poisoning include drooling, vomiting, loss of coordination, staggering, and seizures. 
  • First aid involves wiping all poison from the animal’s mouth with a damp cloth for 10-15 minutes, rinsing the cloth regularly. 

Do not kill the animal until it has been confirmed as a cane toad. Many native frogs look similar to cane toads. Your reports will help us track the front line. 

Learn more about how to spot cane toads, correct methods of euthanasia, and the work the Department is doing to manage toads and mitigate their impact on Western Australia's wildlife

Poster with text and a picture of a toad.