
Marrinup Falls Walk Trail

Bush Walk
1.3 kilometres

The Marrinup Falls Walk Trail is a quite enjoyable 1.3km bush walk, just up from the old Marrinup Townsite. Lovely views, wildflowers and waterfalls at the right time of year.

Marrinup Circuit

Mountain Bike
8 kilometres

The Marrinup Circuit meanders through some of Australia’s oldest rocks, which are more often exposed on this part of the Darling Scarp near Dwellingup, south of Perth. The mountain bike trail passes through native jarrah forest and redgum. The interesting ‘Cage in the bush’ POW camp is located a short distance from the trail.



Marrinup Townsite

The campground is a simple, open grassed area set on the site of the old town, about 5km north-west of Dwellingup.

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