Site access
There is barrier-free access to the picnic facilities, shade shelters, seating area and a second toilet on the lower beachside terrace. The paths are 3m wide concrete and a fine crushed stone path, 3.6m wide. There is also direct access to the lower terrace via a series of concrete and crushed stone steps.
The tables in the open plaza area are accessed via steps. The beach is accessed via either a 30 – 40m long path with pine steps or a gravel path. The beach has weed and fine soft sand. There is a 48m long timber lookout structure 1.3m wide with 83cm high railings.
There are two concrete accessible car park bays, 45 vehicle bays and two long bays (30m and 84m) in a large gravel parking area. The accessible car parking bays are located near the toilets and positioned either side of a 2.9m wide vehicle-free, set-down bay with a metal bollard. There are 130m of concrete walkways and 290m of compacted gravel paths with barrier free access from the parking area to the toilets, information signs and lower picnic shelters.
- Wheelchair accessible
The toilets are located 50m from the accessible parking bays with barrier-free access via a wide concrete walkway.