About this place
The Granite Skywalk has two lookouts with spectacular views across the park and farmland. These views stretch to Albany on the south coast, Mount Gardner, Mount Manypeaks to the south-east and the Stirling Range to the north.
The 2km walk up from the Castle Rock picnic area passes through jarrah, marri and karri forest, and also the Balancing Rock, to reach the base of Castle Rock and the lower lookout. Reaching the upper lookout requires walking through and over rocks, along with climbing a 6m ladder.
The Granite Skywalk provides thrills for visitors as well as opportunities for nature appreciation. Other national park attractions in the area include Mount Frankland Wilderness Lookout in Mount Frankland National Park, the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk in the Walpole-Nornalup National Park and the Gap and Natural Bridge in Torndirrup National Park.
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Granite Skywalk.
Traditional Owners
We recognise and acknowledge Menang people as the Traditional Owners of Porongurup National Park.