About this place
The Yalgorup lake system is significant for waterbirds and is recognised under the International Ramsar Convention.
From about October to April, the lakes provide important habitat for the international shorebirds that migrate from the northern hemisphere. These include the bar-tailed godwit, red-necked stint, greenshank, red knot, whimbrel and three species of sandpiper. Other waterbirds that use the lakes include the banded and black-winged stilts, red-necked avocet, hooded and red-capped plovers, Australian pelican and coot.
Surveys carried out in south-western Australia between 1988 and 1992, showed that the Yalgorup lakes consistently supported the highest numbers of musk ducks and, in 1990, supported the most Pacific black ducks of the areas surveyed.
The lakes also had the third largest numbers of black swans recorded in 1988 and consistently support high numbers of shelduck in early summer (13,899 at Lake Clifton in November 1988). Black swans also live in high numbers at Lake Pollard, where they graze on extensive growths of stoneworts (musk grasses).
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Western Shield - The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions undertakes 1080 baiting at this location to reduce the impacts of feral cats and foxes on native wildlife.
Meat baits containing 1080 poison are laid in or around this area on an ongoing basis. 1080 is poisonous to humans and will kill domestic cats and dogs. Pets are not permitted in this park.
For further information contact your local Parks and Wildlife Service office or visit Western Shield.
Wildlife hide
Bird watching
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Lake Pollard Bird Hide.
Traditional Owners
We recognise and acknowledge Pinjarup people as the Traditional Owners of Yalgorup National Park.