
Lake Clifton Thrombolites


Follow the boardwalk to view the living rock-like structures known as thrombolites on the shoreline of Lake Clifton.

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Lake Preston


Explore Lake Preston while bushwalking.

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Lake Pollard Bird Hide


Bring your binoculars and watch birds on Lake Pollard from the bird hide.

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Lake Hayward

Stop for a picnic at Lake Hayward.

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Heathlands Walk Trail Picnic Area


Stop here for a picnic and to walk the Heathlands Walk Trail.

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Lime Kiln Picnic Area


Stop for a picnic or explore the accessible trail in Yalgorup National Park and discover Lake Clifton’s mining past.

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Lake Pollard Walk Trail

Bush Walk
6 kilometres

The six kilometre, approximately two-hour, Lake Pollard loop trail conveniently begins at the entrance to the Martins Tank campground; about one kilometre from the campground itself. This walk takes in tuart, peppermint and grasstree outcrops, with an opportunity to birdwatch in the hide overlooking Lake Pollard.  Walking in a clockwise direction provides a good view to Lake Pollard while walking.

Lake Preston Walk Trail

Bush Walk
2 kilometres

This two kilometre return trail takes you around the edge of Lake Preston to a viewing platform at the water’s edge which allows you to see some of the waterbirds that visit the area.

Lakeside Loop, Lake Clifton

Bush Walk
5 kilometres

An easy five kilometre loop walk running parallel to the eastern shore of Lake Clifton. The vegetation consists of paperbarks, melaleucas, peppermints and tuarts. Thrombolites can be seen at the start of the walk.

Heathlands Walk Trail

Bush Walk
5 kilometres

The Heathland Walk Trail is a 5 kilometre loop trail in the Yalgorup National Park. The trail contains a gentle climb over a limestone ridge to a lookout with views of Lake Preston and then through a tunnel of tress right to the waters edge.

Lime Kiln Lake Trail

Bush Walk
1.4 kilometres

Lime Kiln Lake Trail is a 1.4 kilometre return walk in the Yalgorup National Park. This gentle class 1 trail takes walkers from the original lime kiln used during a short-lived commercial lime venture in the early 1920s, through peppermint and melaleuca trees and the former lime marl settling ponds to the edge of Lake Clifton.



Martins Tank Campground

Campground nestled among peppermint woodland and tuart forest on the banks of Martins Tank Lake.

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