About this place
This was the place of the first recorded landing by Europeans on Australian soil when Dutchman Dirk Hartog came ashore in 1616 on the northern end of the island which now bears his name. He left a record of his landing inscribed on a pewter plate nailed to a post in a cleft of a rock on the high cliff. Today, more modern posts mark this spot.
The Cape Inscription lighthouse - together with the keepers' quarters - was built between 1908 and 1910. It still operates but has been automated since 1917. In 2012, the Shire of Shark Bay renovated the lighthouse keepers' quarters, which had fallen into disrepair over the years since lighthouse automation.
Safety information
Plan when to visit. Consider travelling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!
Plants, wildlife and fungi
Visit the Atlas of Living Australia for a list of species recorded within a 5km radius of Cape Inscription.
Traditional Owners
Dirk Hartog Island National Park is jointly managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Malgana Aboriginal Corporation as part of the State Government's Plan for Our Parks initiative. For more information, please visit Plan for Our Parks.