Site access
The lookout viewing platform is wheelchair accessible with a 1m high safety railing. There is a 2.8m long bench seat (44 to 47cm high). It is located near the entry ramp to the lookout.
The parking area is set back from the gorge but provides expansive park views. The sealed parking area has 28 bays and 3 extra-long vehicle bays for cars/caravans and tourist coaches. While there are no designated accessible parking bays, there is ample space to accommodate visitors with mobility restrictions. Access to the facilities is enhanced by a 200m long asphalt collector path system that encircles the perimeter of the parking area.
There is no kerbing, nor kerb ramps around the parking area.
- Wheelchair accessible
There are four unisex toilets located approximately 30m from the parking area. One of the four cubicles is larger. Access to the toilets is via a wide asphalt path which narrows to 1m at the outer entrance to the toilets. It is approximately 70m from the toilets to the trailhead and about 95m to the shade shelter.
All facilities are linked via a 1.8m wide path with a maximum gradient of 4.6 degrees (mostly under 2).