Featured attractions

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk


Explore the ancient giant tingle forest of the Walpole Wilderness and take a walk in the tree tops 40m high above the ground.

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Kalbarri Skywalk


Venture beyond the edge of a 100m drop for spectacular views over Kalbarri National Park.

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Monkey Mia Dolphin Experience

Monkey Mia

Daily dolphin viewing experiences are among one of the many activities you can do at Monkey Mia.

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Glenoran Pool

Glenoran Pool is just downstream of One Tree Bridge. The Donnelly River opens into a wide, shallow pool perfect for a spot of fishing, swimming or relaxing. It was once the local swimming pool for the group settlement of Glenoran.

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Henderson Foreshore

Around 15km south of Fremantle, Henderson Foreshore has a lookout, a walk trail along the cliff top and a longer trail linking to other parts of Beeliar Regional Park.

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Fernhook Falls

Spend a few hours, or a few days, exploring the waters of the Deep River at Fernhook Falls.

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Pure Marri

You can wander among stands of marri trees, have a picnic or enjoy the wildflowers in Spring. Listen to the sounds of the forest, breathe in the clean air, and be still... it is good for you!

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Part of the Karri Forest Explorer. There is a shelter with information about the fight to keep the Giblett area from being logged.

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Boyagin Rock

Boyagin Rock is an imposing outcrop which has been cracked and pitted by weathering.

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Mount Brown

Spectacular views of the surrounding Lake Mount Brown and Cockburn Sound are available from the lookout at the top of Mount Brown.

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Hidden Valley

Steep, broken walls of rock come alive as they reflect the tones of changing light. Follow the 400m return Looking at Plants Nature Trail and learn about their use by the Miriwoong People. 

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Lennard River Gorge

Enjoy the views of the falls created by the Lennard River slicing its way through the Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges.

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Moolgoodna (Booby Island)

Moolgoodna (Booby Island) has been identified by the Western Australian Museum as an ecological hotspot and supports more than 1% of the world’s population of brown boobies, with up to 2000 breeding pairs. About 500 pairs of crested terns also nest on the island.

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King George Falls

The King George River plunges into tidal waters over sandstone cliffs 100m high to form Western Australia’s highest twin waterfalls.

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Reveley Island

Reveley Island is located off the North Kimberley coast between Buckle Head and Cape Lambert.

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