
Broad vista of the the Fortescue River and floodplain of cadjeputs.

Mount Herbert is a highpoint in the Chichester Range with expansive views over the range and plain below.

Python Pool is nestled into the Chichester Range at the base of a seasonal waterfall.

Built in 1919, this pastoral station homestead is the hub for exploring the Millstream Chichester National Park.

Snappy Gum Drive is a transect of the Millstream area of the park – from rocky ranges, snappy gum and cadjeput woodlands, to wetlands and river.


Bush Walk
8 kilometres

The moderately difficult Chichester Range Camel Trail is located in the Millstream-Chichester NP and follows part of the old camel trail. The trail is 8 km long and can be accessed from both ends or 16km return. Expect some steep slopes, natural obstacles and loose rocks.



A five million star camp in a bush setting near Deep Reach.


This campground is set in bush close to Millstream Creek and pools that attract wildlife.

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